Which of these signs may be caused by heatstroke?
- Rapid panting
- Increased Heart rate
- Bright red tongue
- Red or pale gums
- Thick sticky saliva
- Blindness
- Vomiting
- Elevated temperature
- Weakness
- Depression & Coma
All of the above!
What is heatstroke?
Heatstroke is also known as hyperthermia. This condition occurs when an animal produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate. When this happens, the body can no longer regulate its normal temperature (between 100 – 102.5°F in dogs). Dogs do not have efficient cooling mechanisms (like sweating), so they tend to get overheated easily. Dogs with short noses (brachycephalic breeds) are especially prone to heatstroke because they do not breathe well when stressed. Dogs with mild to moderate symptoms of hyperthermia, may recover within an hour if given prompt care and treatment. Severe heatstroke in dogs (temperature over 106°F) can be life threatening and immediate veterinary assistance is needed. What can I do?
Take the dog to a shady area immediately and try to lower his body temperature by wetting him with cool water (lukewarm water in small breeds). You can also use a fan to cool the air around him. Be careful! If your pet cools too fast or his body temperature gets too low, other problems can occur. Monitoring a rectal temperature with a digital thermometer will help. If the temperature drops below 103°F, you should stop cooling him. At this point, dry off your pet and make sure his temperature doesn’t get too low. What will my veterinarian do?