5720 Menchaca Road, Austin TX 78745

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri - 7am to 6pm, 1st & 3rd Sat 8am to 2pm
  Contact : (512) 442-6744

Spotlight on Products: Advantage Multi

Manchaca Road Animal Hospital’s “Product of the Month” is Bayer’s new topical flea treatment and heartworm prevention.  This exciting new product also prevents intestinal parasites.  With Bayer’s usual 100% guarantee and internationally recognized integrity, this should prove to be a popular and convenient new weapon in the heartworm and flea prevention arsenal.

The ingredients in Advantage Multi (imidacloprid & moxidectin) have proven efficacy and safety separately in other product lines.  Now they are combined to provide an all-in-one monthly preventative program.  The broad spectrum of Advantage Multi covers fleas, heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and ear mites.  This product is available for dogs over 7 weeks of age and cats over 9 weeks of age.  The cost of Advantage Multi is not significantly more than Advantage and for most clients who are on separate flea and heartworm products, this will be a less expensive option.  This is great news for everyone!  Unlike Advantage though, Advantage Multi will be sold by prescription only.